Mushroom Vegan Tacos

Mushroom Vegan Tacos
Serves 2

You won’t even miss the meat and cheese, I swear. Seems silly to call it “vegan” but hey, it’s a buzz-word, so don’t mind if I do. Plus you can save those “cals” (aka calories) for another Spicy Rosé Paloma.

3 portabello mushroom caps, sliced
2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Salt, to taste
6 tortillas
1 avocado, smashed with ½ lime
1 lime, divided for some above and then… garnish
Red cabbage, garnish
Sliced jalapenos, garnish
Pickled red onion, garnish

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add mushrooms and sear for 3-4 minutes. Stir and cook until all sides are brown. Season with salt.

Remove and set skillet to the side. Using the burner itself, brown both sides of each tortilla to char. Remove and layer avocado, mushrooms, cabbage, jalapenos and red onion. Squeeze some lime on top and enjoy.

Mushroom Vegan Tacos and Rose Paloma.jpg

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